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 :  Thoughts in my head

 :  5078

 :  2015-07-28 09:47:02

 :  ÀÌÁÖ¿¬   
Hello from Christina :)

You know, when I first registered on this fanclub, I was more than eager to write once a
week. I've set a specific day to write, and couldn't wait that day of the week to come.
However, I find that as time goes by, it becomes harder to keep it as it used to be.
Not because I've become indifferent, but due to the fact that I've lost track of thoughts and

So then every Friday, I get to think "Yeah I should write because I want to". Then immediately
after, I'm like "Well I'm too exhausted, I will do it in couple of hours' time". Then the whole day
passes by, and the following week just flies out in a blink.

I'm attending french class 3 days a week! The class starts at 6.50AM in Gangnam area, so I
have to wake up at 4.30AM to get ready and get there in time. It's very tiring and I'm tempted
everytime to skip it and sleep in couple of hours more, but so far, I've missed only 2 classes,
and those were because of my business trip to BiFan, not because of my evil temptation :p
Maybe when I'm good enough to write in French again, I will write in french here! (But then
no one would understand, not even you..lol)

This may have been the longest of the longest letter I've ever written to you.
So perhaps I should stop :)

Have a good day, stay away from the heat as much as possible!


    A Letter in a Week !
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