Before I get too lazy or even forget...
You know that I make my mind to write a letter every Friday, right?
Somehow I missed in a few weeks, but today I'm here : )
You were in my dreams last night - I was at some foodshopping mall, and was arguing
with my cousin, and you showed up with lot of your friends and began shopping.
I tried to dodge because I was too shy - but you saw me, and came up to the aisle I was at.
You said "Hi - why are you dodging me? Let's say hi" and I replied, "because I'm too shy to
come up to you and say hi, but okay I will"
I know it was just a dream, but I was really happy to see you in one.
And I believe congratulations are in order:
- Congratulations on your new film! I will also look forward to see the other one when it gets
released in cinemas.
Have a great Saturday : )