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 :  As Time Goes By Part 5

 :  4987

 :  2014-11-21 22:43:18

 :  ÀÌÁÖ¿¬   
Wondering where you are, and what you are doing on a Friday night :)

It's been less than a month that I resumed my work, and its already so suffocating; not at all
times though.
Sometimes, there are moments where the amount of work is just too much that you feel
overwhelmed; I think it's one of those moments for me.
Can't imagine how people carry on with this kind of feeling especially if the work is
something that doesn't make their hearts beat.


The postcard I sent to my best friend from Jungfrauyoch, Swtizerland, finally arrived at her
home! If there's one thing I regret about that postcard is: why I didn't write it with better handwriting. It's just good that she understood how little time I had at that moment :)

Leaving you with a romantic Italian saying I heard from ºñÁ¤»óȸ´ã show the other day:

[            Solo una notte e mai fosse l'alba.             ]


    As Time Goes By Part 6
    As Time Goes By Part 4
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