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 :  As Time Goes By & The Line of Longing

 :  4587

 :  2014-12-20 11:11:46

 :  ÀÌÁÖ¿¬   
Yesterday I had a team gathering, ȸ½Ä!
Not entire team members could be together due to certain schedule,
but it's really been a while since we gathered together like this :)
Also, it was the day where most of gathered people were upto going for the second round!

It snowed on my way back home, so when I got out of the car, there were plenty of spots
covered with snow, that weren't stepped or touched by anyone. So then at 2.30ish in the
morning I was tempted to make a snow-angel (can you believe it!) But instead I just left my
hand printing on one of those untouched spots. I'm sure it's gone by now hehe.

What seemed like the coldest weather has passed, but please do take care of yourself not to
catch a cold :)


    ÇØÇÇ Å©¸®½º¸¶½º~~~
    As Time Goes By Part 9
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