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 :  Been a long time!

 :  4712

 :  2015-06-12 10:31:55

 :  ÀÌÁÖ¿¬   
Strangely, after I decided to write you in a very artful typewriting it seems the fact I enjoyed
writing to you has slipped my mind. So back on a plain typing. Hope the font doesn't break...

Days are passing by really fast. I've been busy, but there were also times when I was
comparatively not that busy. Nevertheless, it feels like I've been crazy busy all this time.

A lot of things happened, and because of that I've been struggling to figure out what to do
with the thoughts that filled my head and never decided to leave. Hence came back was one
of  my bucket list of going to South America. Though the air-fare to that specific place I want
to go is really expensive... so it seems almost impossible to go.

I've also started to play some sports (bowling) and to do workout!
The workout just started randomly on last Sunday, when my mom suggested me to go to a
community center fitness room with her. So I went to do treadmil and the cycle for 20 mins
each. It felt good to sweat out, except I had massive muscle pain the following day.

So much to tell you, but it's getting way too long.
I'll try to write more often :)


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